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Stanno Nibbio Nero Ultra Firm Ground

Stanno Nibbio Nero Ultra Firm Ground
Stanno Nibbio Nero Ultra Firm Ground
Uutuus -26 %
Stanno Nibbio Nero Ultra Firm Ground
Stanno Nibbio Nero Ultra Firm Ground
Stanno Nibbio Nero Ultra Firm Ground
Veroton: 70.92€
  • Stock: Varastossa
  • Model: Nibbio ultra firm



Stannon uutuus kenkä  tyylitietoisille futaajille. Erittäin mukava nahkakenkä jolla pelaat seuraavat 10 vuotta. Klassinen ulkonäkö ja pyöreä perinteinen nappi tekee tästä hyvän yleiskengän kaikille alustoille.  Ergonominen pohjallinen lisää käyttömukavuutta. Hieman Copaa leveämpi lesti jonka takia heti valmiina pelikentille. 

Nibbio Nero Ultra Firm Ground Classic is b(l)ack
! Stand out on the pitch with these classic leather football shoes made by Stanno. The Nibbio Nero Ultra FG Football Shoes are completely made of sturdy full-Grain calf leather. The modern design gives this classic material a trendy twist. The stitched and nailed outsole ensures good attachment to the leather. These football boots have an extra stitching on the toecap, which provides even more stability. The ergonomic shock-absorbing insole guarantees good absorption and excellent stability on the pitch. Thanks to the extra lace holes, you can tie the shoes as tight as you like.
Avainsanat: Stanno


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